More Safe & Transparent: What We Do in Mensa V3

How to make our protocol safer, and the governance more transparent is something we’ve been pursuing and achieving since the protocol launched.
In Mensa Protocol V2 and before, we have done these:
As a fully open source project, all of Mensa code is already publicly available on GitHub;
For early investors and advisors, tokens will be locked in for 3 years.
For team/development funds, tokens will be lock-up for 1 year, then continuously vested for the second year, the release will be completed in 3 years.
In Mensa Protocol V3, while keeping the contract code still open source, we have also made the following improvements to ensure more secure and transparent governance:
In V3, we made a 3/4 multisig of the team funds, with the following participants:
The SpiritSwap protocol introduces revenue sharing through the classic AMM model, adding incentives for Fantom Network participants.
FTM Alerts
FTM Alerts is a group of long-time Fantom investors, supporters, and community insiders, to support those who choose to build within the Fantom Eco-system.
Liquity is a decentralized lending protocol that allows you to take out interest-free loans using Ether as collateral and Liquity.Fi is the first Liquity front-end operator.
and the Mensa Protocol team.
For more details of Multisig, you can check here:
V3 is an upgrade to V2 and Mensa Protocol V2 has been running safely for several months since its launch.
We have also conducted a full audit of the V3 contract, which was audited by NONEAGE.
NONEAGE is a practical and innovative network security enterprise focusing on blockchain ecological security with rich experience in security attack and defense.
The audit has been completed and the report is available to check on Gitbook.
Mensa Protocol V3 Audit Report
Mensa Protocol team considers security and transparency most. While strengthening the security of the project ourselves, we have partnered with the most well-known and community-trusted projects on Fantom, and have introduced NONEAGE to commission a secure code audit of V3 smart contracts, working to eliminate security risks at every step of the way.
As a #BuildonOpera project, Mensa Protocol is committed to providing Fantom with the most liquid and secure lightning lending capabilities at a low cost. Security always comes first.